Sick, but never a skipper

Hey all,

So, as I suppose you all know, Hurricane Sandy came through these parts not long ago.  It wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of people had it, but it was still very cold, windy, and rainy.  Although, I'm not sure if this is a result of that or a result of everybody I know being sick, I have a cold.  It is getting better though.  It's not as bad as it could have been, and it's not like I've been bedridden or anything.

It did leave me trying to hold back a coughing fit in my three hour class last night though.  Instead of one massive coughing fit, I ended up shaking or convulsing...not really sure which word best describes it right class when I wasn't going through a bout of coughing.  Fun things!

Anyway, I guess this cold could have been much worse.  I mean, I could be dying of some terminal illness.  So I am quite fortunate that this is just a small cold that hasn't rendered me immobile or something.  I have been going to all of my classes despite it. 

Oh, well.  Hope I get over it soon.

Hope you're all well!

Until next time,