Massive Book and EVERYTHINGGGG

Hi everyone!!!

Second day of school today and I picked up more books for my courses.  The one for my English Lit Tradition I class is SO FREAKING HUGE!  It's so thick and heavy, like, I don't even know...I have to carry this 15 minutes to class everyday (or at least until it gets too cold or snowy to walk).  I could use this instead of going out to buy weights to lift. 

I mean, I could throw this at someone's head and they'd be knocked unconscious. 

The other books I purchased are much smaller and lighter (thank god!), but I will have to read them all...I'm going to go crazy with all of this stuff...serves me right for packing in a tonne of English courses into one term.  Oh, well.  I'll deal.  =P

I hope you're all doing well!
