I found it much better than Sherlock and I will tell you why. I mean, Sherlock is great and all, but they don't really show you how Sherlock and Watson come to their conclusions. In a way, the Sherlock movies are very Scooby Doo-esque. In "The Raven," you actually follow along, you find clues, and you piece it together quite well yourself as the characters are doing so. It is like reading a mystery novel since you actually see what the characters see and are able to pick up clues along the way.
It is beautifully written. The lines are neither weird, nor cheesy and cliche like some movies out there. It brings out a whole range of emotion from scaring you leaving lingering thoughts and images in your mind throughout the movie, to almost wanting to cry because of how well it's written and directed.
The acting is awesome, and the movie in general is quite easy to follow. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, or if you're with a special someone, near them in case anything is about to happen.
All in all, a great movie. Definitely recommended.
Hope you guys have a great time watching it.
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