Leaving Again

Hey guys.

I don't know if I'm excited, or sad.  I'm going to be leaving home and Boyfriend for six weeks again soon.  I love the idea of going on an archaeological dig, but at the same time, I finally get to be with Boyfriend again.  I don't want to leave him again.  Not after so long of being apart. 

*sigh* A few days before I go.  I'm really not ready now.  I need to pack again.  I need to make sure I have everything, and most of all, I need to make sure Boyfriend knows that I love him.  I don't want to leave him, but I need to just for a bit.  We'll still be in contact, but it'd be difficult since I'll be working all day long and presumably quite tired at night. 

I haven't gotten to see many friends in the time that I've been home.  I do feel bad about that and I do suppose that it would have made me feel better instead of falling into this rut.  But we'll get there.  We have all summer, right?

Well, anyway, I just really want to be able to see people.  I want to be with them and I want them to know that I love them.  Society does not allow for time anymore.  "Family time" and "social time" are barely existent when there's school and work to be "done." =\

I guess we'll work this out one way or another.

Anyway, that's all I have for now.  I'll talk to you guys again later.


Please, excuse me. Excuse me for I am tired.

The ceiling is always high
Always, always, always high
It's just how it was made
That's how it was meant to be

The floor...
The floor is always down...
It sounds sad, but it's the truth
The floor is always down
You can't offer it coffee
You can't offer it coffee because no matter how tired you are
Or how nice you want to be,
The floor is always there for you
But, it is always down.

You can't do anything for it
The floor is always down

The ceiling is always high
The floor is always down
And the walls?
The walls are somewhere in between
Both high and down

It's their escape
They're down
So they get high to get away

The sky's the limit though
The sky is higher than any ceiling
There are low ceilings
They don't get very high
But the sky
The sky is so high
It's so high and it stays that way

It's made that way
That's how it's meant to be

See?  The sky is high.

I apologise for those who can't follow.  There is nothing to follow.  I am just very tired and rambling.  That is what I do when I am tired.  I really need to sleep.  I need to sleep tonight.  I need to sleep well tonight...


"The Raven" Review

For those of you that haven't watched it yet, or haven't heard of it, "The Raven" is a mystery/horror about a serial killer who is inspired by the works of Edgar Allen Poe.  Hence, "The Raven."  Please keep in mind that it is rated 18A, and for those of you with weak stomachs, either don't watch it or watch it, but when something sickening comes up, look away.  I highly recommend the second one.  I did that and I still loved the movie.  =D

I found it much better than Sherlock and I will tell you why.  I mean, Sherlock is great and all, but they don't really show you how Sherlock and Watson come to their conclusions.  In a way, the Sherlock movies are very Scooby Doo-esque.  In "The Raven," you actually follow along, you find clues, and you piece it together quite well yourself as the characters are doing so.   It is like reading a mystery novel since you actually see what the characters see and are able to pick up clues along the way.  

It is beautifully written.  The lines are neither weird, nor cheesy and cliche like some movies out there.  It brings out a whole range of emotion from scaring you leaving lingering thoughts and images in your mind throughout the movie, to almost wanting to cry because of how well it's written and directed.  

The acting is awesome, and the movie in general is quite easy to follow.  It keeps you on the edge of your seat, or if you're with a special someone, near them in case anything is about to happen.

All in all, a great movie.  Definitely recommended.  

Hope you guys have a great time watching it.



I don't understand humans...

You know, I wish we didn't have to live in a world where insecurities come from the very things we cannot control.  I mean, everyone makes each other uncomfortable because of where they were born, how they're raised, the way they look, how they talk, all sorts of ridiculous reasons.

What's the point of making someone else feel uncomfortable?  They could do the same to you.  When we get all self conscious, we colour our hair, cake our faces in make-up, change the way we dress.  Why?  If it's not you, why bother?  The worst part is that most people look so much nicer without changing themselves like that and they don't realise it.

Other animals on the earth couldn't care less, and they don't do the weird things that we do.  If they don't care, why should we? 

We are the strangest creatures.  We take the long, unnecessary way to get things like food with this whole money thing...We don't just hunt, eat, and sleep like any other creature.   We work ourselves to death on unneeded things to get food and shelter...why?  Why do we make things unnecessary and complicated for ourselves?

We really are strange animals.

I don't understand our species.
