Closing of Reading Week

Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't been posting much.  Been spending the week with my boyfriend.  I haven't seen him since Christmas Eve when I had to see him off to Vancouver.  We were only together for 3 days then.  This time we had a whole week.

You'd think we'd get used to this whole being apart thing after a while now.  But, honestly, I don't think there is any getting used to just hurts every time we need to separate.  Sure it's only for a while, it's not like we'll be apart forever, but it still hurts.  There just is no getting used to this.

I swear Dad is getting irritated at me breaking down emotionally just about every time we need to see him off, but I can't help it.  The longest he's been away from Mom is just a week for her business trips.  It's not like it happens all that often either.  Boyfriend and I are separated for at least a month at a time.  With, if we're lucky, only a week to be together.  Sure, there's summer and all, but we're both looking for jobs, and it doesn't necessarily mean that we'll be working together.  Besides, how long are we going to have to wait until the next summer, right?

Like, sheesh, way to be insensitive.  Thanks. 

I'm really sorry if you guys were looking forward to some happy, cheery post, but I really needed to get that off my chest.

If you're reading this, I miss you so much.
