
I've been talking to Boyfriend while he waits for his plane back to school and realised, I've been very lucky.  I've never had to fly alone.  Why is this so lucky?  Well, yes, it does mean I would have someone to keep me company, but also, I get lost really easily.  I mean REALLY easily.  So easily, in fact, that if I walked into a mall on my own, I'd probably be lost already.

I decided that it'd be a great idea if I got paid whenever I get lost since it happens so often.  The thing is, I've never been much of a confident child, so whenever I go places on my own, I always have this thought that I'm going to get lost, and of course, lo and behold, I am.  That's about the only thing I'm actually confident about, that'd I'd get lost...brilliant me...I need to stop that.  But no, I always find that I will myself into being lost.  I mean, what is this? 

I need to stop it...like really....

A little taste of my fail world,
