Twilight: Breaking Dawn Review

Just saw Breaking Dawn a couple of hours ago, and I'm not going to lie.  It wasn't horrible.  Not at all.  It was definitely gory and much better than expected.

You see, the reason why it's so good, is probably because we have very low expectations because...well, it's Twilight.

The action was indeed brilliant.  The werewolf fights, unlike many werewolf fights, and werewolves for that matter, are actually very convincing in comparison to many other werewolf movies or shows.  In something like Teen Wolf, the werewolves are still very much human, in both appearance and in fights, so Twilight is quite decent if that's what you're looking for.

Also, for a movie, it is very decent and for a Twilight movie, it is brilliant!  Why? It had action, it makes you feel things, besides pure disgust at the movie.  I mean, I actually wanted to cry with Jacob.  It made me sad...even more so, Bella, so well known for her one expression, smiles, cries, is completely desperate, and stubborn.

I would recommend this movie to those who are looking for a laugh and just a good time that makes you laugh, cry, and (if you're squeamish) hide behind your friend.

I do realise that this is not the absolute best of review, but believe me, it was actually pretty good.

Hope you enjoyed this anyway.

Until next time,
