Field School is DONE!

Hi Everyone!

As you probably know from the title (that is, if you read it) I'm DONE with the field school!  It was officially out this past Friday, but we still had a paper that is due today.  Finished it this morning at about 1:30 and woke up around 9:00 this morning.  I am SO tired.

BUT!  That's okay, because I am DONE!  I can sleep when I need to now and wake up whenever. 

I'm amazingly happy to be done, but I am going to miss all the people from the field school a lot.  It's sort of like U101, I guess.  I miss the people I was with, but I'm sure I'll see them again sometime, somehow.

Now, I have this entire week to worry about getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday...I have books from the library ready to go.  Sadly, we're low on bandwidth at home right now.  So it looks like I'll be reading, watching TV, and sleeping for most of those days.

I am soooo nervous. I don't like pain, the thought of pain, and--oh, yes--did I mention I'm squeamish?  Brushing my teeth is going to be interesting...and the gauze in my mouth?  Oh, dear...yeah...I have an easily triggered gag reflex too...

The surgeon said that I'll be getting a drowsy med and a non-drowsy med afterwards.  Mom is saying I should just keep on the drowsy meds so I can sleep through recovery and just not worry about things.  My siblings have already begun tormenting me, so I sort of don't want to be on drowsy meds.  But, we'll see. 

We're bringing Boyfriend along so he can help me to the car and whatnot.  I'm told that I'll be awake and coherent after the surgery, but I get the feeling that we'll just stumble to the car, into the house, and into bed.  Poor Boyfriend, just going to see me completely nervous, then all delirious. 

Hope he doesn't worry about me as much as I'm worrying about the surgery.  He has to work during the week while I recover.  He can see me over the weekend, but I might be sleeping the days away.  I don't know.  Depends if Mom really does want to keep me on the drowsy meds or not.

Anyway, I'll let you guys know how it goes.  Scared as heck right now. @_@

Hope you guys are doing well,


Field School So Far

Hi Everyone!

Happy June!  I know it's been a while, but hey, I'm kind of out every day to dig, so what can I do about it, right?  Anyway, I hope you're all doing well. 

The dig has been interesting.  Met some interesting people, I still don't know all the names of the people I'm with...I mean, I live in a house with 23 people and I STILL don't know all of their names. @_@  I'm brilliant, aren't I? xD  I thought that I would share one of my finds with you.  It was a piece of a mortar bomb shell!  Yeah!  Awesomeness!!!  It's so cool.  =P  Mind you, I didn't dig that up, but I did find it first!  My prof decided that he would help me dig my unit (those little square plots of dirt you see archaeologists sitting in all the time) that day since everyone was either surveying or in the lab, leaving only Danielle and I at our site with our TA.

Yeah, learned that I like digging my own unit best.  I know how the underlayer of dirt goes best.  I knew it was sloping up towards the northwest end, but my prof didn't and he just went at it making it all flat.  Indeed, I was awfully sad when that happened, plus, the unit seems so much less personal to me now...I am sad...on the other hand, ceramic pieces and a mortar bomb shell fragment...sooo I guess it's sort of a trade off? 

I thought this field school was just going to be digging, but it turns out that we have to write papers as well with limited Internet access.  I mean, we have to leave the house to get reliable Internet...It really sucks, but at the same time, I am learning and doing interesting things.  I just really wish we didn't have to do that since after a full day (8:30AM-4:00PM) of digging with an hour break at noon for lunch is extremely exhausting.  The pressure is seriously on because of the short amount of time that we are here.  I'm still not sure how I'm going to get that final paper in to my prof.  It's due the Monday after the field school is over AND he wants a paper copy...the university is far from home and my parents are working...well, I'm going to have to do my best to get it to him on the Friday before, I suppose.  Printing is going to be an issue though.  We'll see how that goes.

Anyway, I think that's all I have about that for now.  I'll definitely keep you guys posted as best I can!

Hope you're having an awesome time!
