Hai Guys! :3
Yeah, so, for those of you out there that don't know, my roommates and I just went through this MASSIVE explosive fight. Remember how I told you that the place is disgusting and nobody does anything? Well, I finally got sick of it and tagged them all in a Facebook status saying that they have to clean up EVERYTHING in the sink by 7:00PM on Wednesday or I would throw it all out. I had no complaints...until Kelsey saw it.
Basically, she called me out of my room and started screaming at me asking me why I had posted that on Facebook, telling me how embarrassing it was, and how I should have just told them. Wellllllll, clearly she hadn't finished reading the post because I had said that I posted it since I didn't know all of their schedules and this way I knew they would see it. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
She called me out and we had a verbal smackdown in which nobody wins. Nicole knows. She was there lying on my bed listening to it happen. But, honestly, clean the dishes! There was NO space to clean ANYTHING. The dishes in the sink piled right up to the faucet! I was going to throw everything out because I couldn't do anything in the kitchen! Besides, how in the world was that embarrassing at all for her?! She always has people coming in, everybody's seen the mess! What are they going to care?!
But, nope. Nicole's mom was concerned for me because girls are bloody vicious creatures. I don't like many of them, however, the few that become my friends are REALLY good friends (ie. Nicole =P). I was very lucky. Nicole's parents took me in. We just finished taking the last of my stuff out of that place. I swear that was the 7th layer of Hell or something...what did I do in a past life?! D'x
It sounds like due time to celebrate my leaving that filth pit, yes? Not quite. I still have to do a proper check-out of residence with my floor don (dorm advisor, if you will). So, I'm trying to get a hold of her so we can set up a sort of appointment and I'll return my keys and everything. I don't want anything to do with that apartment ever again.
I'll let you know when we can start celebrating my freedom of that stupid place.
In the meantime, keep it real, keep true to you.