My boyfriend's coming back today, I'm crazy excited, but sad at the same time.  You see, he's arriving today, but he's leaving on the 24th.  So, I really only get one full day with him.  I'm really glad that I'll get to see him again.  It's just not the same over skype.  We haven't been together since Thanksgiving, that's about 2 months there. 

I'm not one of those girls who HAS to get a gift for holidays or anniversaries, all I really want is just to be with him again.  I wish we had more time than just these few days, but then again, a few days is better than not being with him at all. 

Also going to visit my old high school in a couple of hours with some of my friends.  Haven't seen them since the summer at least.  I REALLY want to see everyone again, but I don't know if I'll be able to see them all in these two weeks.  I hope I get to see most of them though.  I've already met with a couple of friends and had a great time.

I got more caught up on Harry Potter.  Officially at Half Blood, but I didn't get to finish watching it, so I'll need to fix that.  I also need to fix the fact that I watched the first half of a two part episode of Doctor Who and I still haven't watched the second half since Monday.  So, that needs to be done as well.

Oh!  I'm going to colour my hair blue! ^_^  I have the hair dye and all, just need to trim and bleach my hair.  I'm actually really excited about this.  I'm not entirely sure why, but it'll be blue and I'll probably be quite content with it for a good amount of time.

I'm told that I'll probably go get it bleached tomorrow or the day after.  I really hope my parents don't get me anything for Christmas now...since I'm going to a hair dresser's to get my hair bleached, it'll probably be expensive already.  Not to mention, they paid for my schooling! @_@  I actually feel like I should do something for them, but I don't know what...If you guys have any ideas or suggestions, let me know.

Thanks a plenty!


Twilight: Breaking Dawn Review

Just saw Breaking Dawn a couple of hours ago, and I'm not going to lie.  It wasn't horrible.  Not at all.  It was definitely gory and much better than expected.

You see, the reason why it's so good, is probably because we have very low expectations because...well, it's Twilight.

The action was indeed brilliant.  The werewolf fights, unlike many werewolf fights, and werewolves for that matter, are actually very convincing in comparison to many other werewolf movies or shows.  In something like Teen Wolf, the werewolves are still very much human, in both appearance and in fights, so Twilight is quite decent if that's what you're looking for.

Also, for a movie, it is very decent and for a Twilight movie, it is brilliant!  Why? It had action, it makes you feel things, besides pure disgust at the movie.  I mean, I actually wanted to cry with Jacob.  It made me sad...even more so, Bella, so well known for her one expression, smiles, cries, is completely desperate, and stubborn.

I would recommend this movie to those who are looking for a laugh and just a good time that makes you laugh, cry, and (if you're squeamish) hide behind your friend.

I do realise that this is not the absolute best of review, but believe me, it was actually pretty good.

Hope you enjoyed this anyway.

Until next time,


Quick Post: Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Twilight

So, without many problems, I have convinced a friend of mine to be Doctor Who next Halloween.  I am very happy about this, and thought you guys should know. =P

Also, I now have all this free time to read and I'm going to a friend's tomorrow to watch Harry Potter! =D

I'm kind of behind on this whole Harry Potter thing, but better late than never, huh?  Especially since Harry seems to be a never ending fad.  We will be catching me up on this whole thing, and just catching up in general having been away from each other for so many months.

Also, we may be watching the last Twilight movie, partly for the laughs and partly because she likes it and I'm curious about how they do this crazy birth scene with Bella.

Anyway, I'm off for now.

Until next time,

For some reason, one weekend, I had crazy animals on my mind or something.  Maybe it was stress, who knows.  I've had a couple of ridiculous, but awesome dreams.  One of which involved a lion spirit sort of thing.  I must be wayyyy too into this supernatural stuff or something...The second dream had glowing porcupines and a make over...I don't even know how that happened...

Starting with the lion dream then...It was some sort of evil lion spirit sort of thing that possessed a lady that I had never seen before.  She was on top of a cage and had told me to open it so that she may go in, release it, and come back out, getting me to shut it right after so the lion doesn't escape.  Somehow, this lion spirit became an actual lion, but the cage also changed...into a mesh-like material.  So, this went from me, somehow, easily carrying this male lion in a cage, to cradling this large cat in my arms completely trapped, but appearing to be swaddled in mesh.  It fought to be free for a while, but grew to be all right with me and we talked as I walked around with it.

Yes, not only was this a lion...spirit...thing.  But it was a lion spirit thing that could talk to me.

After a while, someone--I suppose it was animal control--came around and I had to put my lion into the back of their van.  As I carried him over, he began to struggle again.  Once I had put him into the trunk of the van, they covered him with a blanket.  I don't know why, but they did.  My poor lion...some time had passed, as it does in dreams, and I returned to the van to check on him.  My lion looked as if he had suddenly gotten sick, and of course, being sick, one would naturally look sad as well...and he did.  I don't remember if he was faking or not, but after some more time had passed, he had escaped.

This was, possibly, around the time I had woken up, or at least thought I had.  It turns out this was my first dream within a dream.  Yes, I have never had a dream within a dream before, and if I have, I surely don't remember.  All I remember is, my Dad had arrived at my apartment and gotten one of my flat mates to come into my bedroom and wake me up so that he could bring me home.  See, this confused me a lot, since, it was Friday, so that worked out all right since that's when I normally go home, but never do I leave in the morning.  I mean, I had two classes during the day and Dad had work.  So I don't know how this happened....

So that's the end of the first dream...I don't even know what to think.  All I know is that I want a lion now.

The next dream was also a strange one,  it was also the night immediately after the lion dream.  I had dreamt that I was in my godfather's car heading home.  I don't know from where, but I do know where we were headed.  On the way home, I saw a couple of porcupines.  They weren't any normal porcupines either...not that you'd find porcupines around here...they were glowing porcupines!  Glowing green, just like those strange radioactive things you see in movies.

I somehow managed to convince my godfather to let me take them home, so we got them into the car and they were by my feet in the passenger's seat, which is also strange since he has a small car...anyway, we were very close to home by this point, and the car had begun to fill with water.  I have no idea how this started because there was no flood outside of the car.  It had just appeared and slowly began to rise just enough to cover the porcupines.  Guess what happened?  No...they didn't turn into some magical unicorns, they stopped glowing...really anticlimactic, I know and I'm sorry that my dream didn't do something crazy, but they did stop glowing.

Soon, we were in my driveway.  The water had disappeared, the porcupines were exploring their new home, and Dad was waiting for me by the garage.  Apparently, my sister and I were going for a make-over...oh, dear God, why?

So, my Dad takes my sister and myself somewhere and we both end up in dresses.  Hers pink, and mine blue.  Both very light, soft shades, and nice, I suppose (I'm not a big fan of pink).  They flowed down to about ankle length and were pretty decent (I don't like dresses either...also, they weren't overly revealing for my taste).  But, what got my attention most, was that I went home with bright blue and pink streaks in my hair.  Thick streaks, side-by-side, all around my head and only on the top layer of hair.  And again, I sort of liked it.  The blue in particular.  Of course, being me, I wake up, and my first thoughts are about colouring my hair.

I've thought about colouring my hair for a while, but was never sure if I should do it or not, and how I would do it.  So, I am actually considering putting blue in my hair, but only on the ends, I'm not really sure how this is going to work out yet since I have no idea where to get this done and I'd much rather know how to do it on my own because it'd be much cheaper, no doubt.  But, whatever.  We will see.

All I can say is, I have strange dreams, but the lion is in one of the top favourites for sure!

Until another time,


Not Exactly What I Meant to Talk About, But That's Okay.

So, it's been two weeks since I've last been home.  Not long I know, but long if you have to live with roommates who don't clean up after themselves leaving you dying in a toxic wasteland of an apartment...I'd say it's not really that bad, but I kind of wonder how much I'd feel like I'm lying to you.

Honestly, it might sound ridiculous, but living with girls is not as awesome as you'd think.  Mind you, I've never really liked girls.  Being a girl myself, I still prefer to have guy friends.  They're a lot more straight forward.  I mean, if something is bugging them, they'll come right out and say it.  Girls?  Oh no, no, no.  They'll hide it and just maybe ignore you all day or something, I don't know.

You'd think they'd be cleaner too, but NOPE.  There's always dishes in the sink, on the kitchen table, trash everywhere...I can't even eat on the kitchen table anymore.  I have to bring my food into my bedroom if I ever want to eat where it doesn't smell like the rotting food from the stupid little filter we have for the drain.

ANYWAY, getting to what I really meant to start talking about.  I'm FINALLY home for the holidays!  4 months gone, 4 more to go.  Yes, I am counting down until I get to move out.  I REALLY don't like living in that apartment...if anything, next year, I want to live with my friends or alone.  At least I know my friends clean after themselves and I actually get along with them.  They aren't the girliest things in the world.  That really killed me about these roommates.  But my friends, we met over the summer, living with them was the best!

...Wow...I'm deviating from what I want to talk about a LOT...yeah, so home after 2 weeks of Hell which was kindly interrupted by one of my best friends at school, Nicole!  She had me over for the weekend, and it was awesome.  Definitely different considering I've been home every week.  But now that I am home, it feels so...strange.  Like I'm more of a guest here.

I don't know if I like living away from home or not.  The two weeks I was away with my university friends was bliss.  I found home really restricting before that, but you know, that's kind of how it is.  But then, moving out means more freedom, and as cliché as it is, with more freedom comes more responsibility.  Moving out for the school year was BLOODY HELL in comparison.  Different roommates, different habits, all girls.  Again, I stress my dislike for girls.  The girls I hang around with, are not THE girliest, and even the one that is, isn't annoying in that stupid girly sort of way.  By "stupid girly," I legitimately mean stupid and girly.  I can't STAND my roommates...

Anyway...this is getting really ranty, and I apologize.  I will stop now.

More to come,
