An Open Letter to a New Love Soon to be Lost

Brantford, I'll be honest, I was pretty hard on you in the past. I chose you because you were a small city where I would feel comfortable. But, for some reason, I quickly began to feel like you were a grimy and unappealing place to be. I just wanted to say that I was wrong.

Truly, I've learned to appreciate you again for how small you are and how, even though you do still have some less appealing aspects to you, I've learned to acknowledge that every place and every person does. If anything, it adds to your charm. It gives you another dimension. You aren't merely a happy little borough, nor are you a gross, run down city with lost potential. You have life in you. Maybe not the life people expected, but life and that's important. In a way, I guess that's how we're sort of similar. Some times underestimated, some times given expectations that we can't meet, but we have a life of our own. A life with potential that only we can see and realise because that's who and what we are.

You're a strong little city and even though you didn't become the capital like once expected, you are still a great place to be. I've seen you in good weather and in bad and you hold up well. Similarly, while being here, I've experienced my own good and bad weather and I've learned to deal with it too. I want to thank you for the experiences you've given me. I'm really going to miss you and I hope I can visit relatively often. I've made friends and memories here that I'll never forget. I just wish I could come back to the same house; the sweet, dinky little house I never thought I'd be able to call "home", but have also learned to love.

I hope things go well in my absence and I hope that we can meet again soon.

You will be missed.

My Grand Adventure

Hey all,

So, I'll be graduating university this year and I have no idea what I want to do post-grad in terms of a job, but I have nothing in line yet.  Not in terms of something being in my field, anyway.  But before that starts, I'm going to be flying half way around the world to meet a friend and to explore.

You see, I've never been outside of my time zone before and even within my time zone, I haven't really gone on any adventures without my family.  So, this summer, I'll be embarking on a journey with Boyfriend and learning about the places he's seen and the things he's done before we met.  This is probably the coolest part about it for me.  Why?  Well, we officially met through my high school friends who took him in as one of our own when he was the new kid in school.  So, he already knows just about all of my friends and family, as well as what I do, but I have yet to know what life was like for him before meeting me.  And believe me, the curiosity is there.  As a result, I'm going to be flying half way around the world to explore other places and, perhaps, learn more about myself in the process.  And I'm going to be taking you guys with me.  You'll be hearing about what I'm up to and what I've learned; it'll be great.

In the mean time, I'm anxiously trying to gather the appropriate things and information before school ends and before the summer begins.  Definitely the less exciting bit, if you ask me, though it doesn't feel as calm as one might think.  I still have plenty of time, but I have a good amount of stuff to mull through, so things will be a little crazy in the next few months.

Aside from that, I hope you're all doing well and I'll update you on how things are going.

Until next time,