Alright...that's all... *throws confetti in the air* if you feel this needs more of a celebration, feel free to comment. xP


Official Check Out

Hai Guys!

Get your celebratory hats on!  I'm going to be officially checking out of residence today!!!  Yes, it's finally happening!!!  The keys are handed in, I just need to give an overview of the condition of the apartment when I left it, then sign out.  I will be doooooooonnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeee with that place!!!

I'll be honest, I am sad that I'm leaving my roommate (the one that I actually shared a bedroom with).  She was definitely the best of all of my flat mates.  I still have a couple of classes with her and we've been talking a bit still online.  She really is the most caring of them.  She would listen and we could have good lengthy talks about things that we were interested in.  I really do hope that the two of us can stay friends. 

Just so you guys know, she wasn't there when I had the huge fallout-plosion with one of our flat mates about the mess disaster area that that apartment was is.  She was in class.  I'm kind of glad that she was too.  I would have hated to end things with her...

Anyway, I'll let you guys know how checking out goes.

See you around!


Checking Out

Alright, everyone. 

So, I've handed my keys back to the don.  Officially checked out, right?...Nope.  They lost my forms from the beginning of the year.  I need to set up another meeting with the don again to get that done.  But, I am half way there!

I can't wait for this to be done!  Can't wait to get passed these assignments and exams too.  So much stress. @_@

Anyway...it's pretty late here...I just thought I'd give you all a quick update before I sleep.

I can't guarantee that I will have much coming in the near future since exams and assignments are eating my face...figuratively, of course, but still.  Until all that is done, you might not hear much from me for the next few weeks.

Regardless, I hope you all have an awesome time being you!


Nicole's Family is Awesome!

Hey Everyone,

So, as you know, if you have read my previous post, you'd know that I moved out of residence, otherwise known as "That Sad Hell Hole of an Apartment," and into Nicole's house. 

Nicole's house is SO much nicer, cleaner, and the people living there are much more considerate.  I couldn't be more grateful.  I still have yet to hand in my keys.  Unfortunately, I need to wait until Wednesday to do that since that is when the don is free.  Besides that, I'm totally ready for summer...you know...beside the fact that I don't have a job yet...It's tough trying to find a job and have all these papers and such at the same time...I don't know how some people do it.

It's weird being so far from the bank and from Ian's, but I ought to get used to it anyway.  I'm not going to be living on campus next year.  It's also weird not going home by train with my friend, Daniel, anymore.  I miss him.  My parents have been coming down on the weekends to look at houses and I'd go home with them.  Except for this past weekend where I stayed to go to a party with Nicole.  She wanted me to meet her friends, and to be honest, I like them.  They're interesting and funny. =]

It's still weird catching a bus before classes and a ride with her mom after classes.  Mind you, it hasn't even been a full week since the incident, so I guess it would make sense. 

Anyway, more next time.  For now, chill, get your stuff done, and be prepared for the happy "I'm officially out of residence!" celebration!

Until then,



Hai Guys! :3

Yeah, so, for those of you out there that don't know, my roommates and I just went through this MASSIVE explosive fight.  Remember how I told you that the place is disgusting and nobody does anything?  Well, I finally got sick of it and tagged them all in a Facebook status saying that they have to clean up EVERYTHING in the sink by 7:00PM on Wednesday or I would throw it all out.  I had no complaints...until Kelsey saw it. 

Basically, she called me out of my room and started screaming at me asking me why I had posted that on Facebook, telling me how embarrassing it was, and how I should have just told them.  Wellllllll, clearly she hadn't finished reading the post because I had said that I posted it since I didn't know all of their schedules and this way I knew they would see it.  But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

She called me out and we had a verbal smackdown in which nobody wins.  Nicole knows.  She was there lying on my bed listening to it happen.  But, honestly, clean the dishes!  There was NO space to clean ANYTHING.  The dishes in the sink piled right up to the faucet!  I was going to throw everything out because I couldn't do anything in the kitchen!  Besides, how in the world was that embarrassing at all for her?!  She always has people coming in, everybody's seen the mess!  What are they going to care?!

But, nope.  Nicole's mom was concerned for me because girls are bloody vicious creatures.  I don't like many of them, however, the few that become my friends are REALLY good friends (ie. Nicole =P).  I was very lucky.  Nicole's parents took me in.  We just finished taking the last of my stuff out of that place.  I swear that was the 7th layer of Hell or something...what did I do in a past life?! D'x

It sounds like due time to celebrate my leaving that filth pit, yes?  Not quite.  I still have to do a proper check-out of residence with my floor don (dorm advisor, if you will).  So, I'm trying to get a hold of her so we can set up a sort of appointment and I'll return my keys and everything.  I don't want anything to do with that apartment ever again.

I'll let you know when we can start celebrating my freedom of that stupid place. 

In the meantime, keep it real, keep true to you.



Drunken Roommates

Well, hello, World!

Thought I'd let you know how my day went today.

I got back to residence after my morning class to find about four to five bottles of alcohol on the kitchen table standing in a line from biggest to smallest.  I will update later to show you what I mean.  This made me worry and the first thing that I thought of was, "I'm NOT getting any sleep tonight..."

Being me, my first thought was to see if I could crash at Nicole's only to realise that she finishes classes much earlier in the day and the buses stop running an hour before I get off class.  Not a problem, right?  You can just skip that last class, it's okay, right?  NO!  I don't skip class, I'm a good student. =]  Not to mention, I had a quiz to write in that class. 

So, I started to feel down because I couldn't think about how to handle the noise my roommates would make tonight.  THEN, because Nicole is brilliant and I am not (yes, I did say that), she reminded me that I could go to Ian's to sleep.  It would mean that I am on a couch, but it also means that it'd be quiet and I get sleep tonight.  Of course, I gave Ian a text and now, HERE I AM!  I'm at Ian's.  He and Nicole are seriously the ones keeping me sane while I have to deal with these darned roommates.

Yeah...so...I don't really know how to end this...

So, here, have a sleepy Corgi.

Dusk =]
Hey Everyone!

Thought I should let you know that the dye from the first round of blue (green) finally washed out.  I recently re-coloured it and it's MORE blue this time!  Much darker than the first time around and much bluer! 

Also, my style has changed a bit.  I've started wearing ties with my blouses with a t-shirt underneath.  It all started when I found this '80s sort of tie with chains and safety pins hanging off of it.  Since then, I got sort of enthusiastic about ties and I asked Dad for his thin blue tie that he first used to teach me how to tie.  I'm so glad he taught me how to tie a tie. =]

Honestly, I asked him to teach me because I had this paranoia having never worn a uniform before thinking that I would need a tie.  He probably knew that I wouldn't need one, but I didn't know.  He didn't bother explaining to me that I wouldn't need it.  Instead, he just went with it and showed me how without hesitation.  For a while I would have his tie hanging off the doorknob of my bedroom in case I would want to practice tying it more.

Eventually he got his tie back.  I still took it every so often just to prove to myself that I could still tie it.  Now, he just doesn't wear ties unless there's some sort of occasion, so he let me take the same blue tie back to school with me. 

I don't know why I suddenly love ties so much, but I'm having fun with it, so it's all good.

Oh, yeah.  I recently washed my hair for the first time since re-colouring it, and I kid you not, it looked like a smurf exploded in the shower. xD  That was horrible.  I'm sorry...=[

But yeah, I turned the shower, my towel, my hands, and my hairbrush blue.  Thank goodness the blue came off my hands though. =P  I think my hair became more green again though.  It's dark green.

Well...I believe that's all for now. 

I'll keep you guys in the loop.

Until next time,



You know what I really hate?

I hate the fact that we've had all of these apartment meetings talking about how we're going to keep this place clean, and the only one pulling their weight around here is me.  I hate how we talked about keeping dishes and pots out of the sink and off of the stove so others can use it and I'm the only one doing that.  I hate that I live with a bunch of IDIOTS that lie their way through things.  I hate that, although I don't work as hard as I could be, they still work less.  I hate that they email professors saying that they're ill or have an exam so that they can get extensions on things while I work my butt off trying to keep with that due date.  I HATE that I do what I do quietly without bothering them and they're so damned loud all the freaking time when I'm trying to work, trying to sleep, or just doing nothing. 

I hate it.  I hate living on this floor where people destroy and steal property.  I hate that I have to live with these people. 

I hate that I have to deal with the stench in our apartment while no one else cares.  I hate that I have to clean off what is not my mess just so I can use what I need to.  I hate that I have to live in this sorry dump that we're supposed to call an apartment.  That we're supposed to call this HOME during these few months of school.

I hate that I keep my stuff out of the way while they just leave their crap everywhere.  I hate that.  I hate that they don't care.  I want to take everything that they're supposed to do and dump it all on their stupid little beds so that they can see even clearer than things already are, that our place is a filthy, digusting, vomit-inducing MESS.

I hate that we can't open the windows.  I hate that they don't know how to cook.  I hate that they don't know how to clean.  I hate that they think they're so amazing because they're NOT. 

They're not!  And I want to hit something.  I want to live away from this.  But really...just really...I just want to leave this stupid place and never come back.  I never want to see their faces again, I never want to hear their names or their voices.  I just want out. 

I don't like it here.  I never did and I never will. 

People are never what they seem to be.  Don't take them at face value.  Get to know them better before you say whether you like them or not.  See if they really are the people you want to be around or be like because half the time, they're not.