
Hey guys,

Sorry about not writing much recently.  School and all, you know.  I've also been feeling a tad empty lately.  Not a hungry empty though, more along the lines of emotionally empty.  I wouldn't quite say apathetic though.  It just sort of feels like there's a hole in me and I can't fill it.  It hurts emotionally and it makes me very sad. 

It's been around a month and a half since I last saw Boyfriend for Thanksgiving.  I'll only be able to see him for two to three days before Christmas, then he's flying off to see his family for the Christmas break.  I really hope that none of you think poorly of him for this.  It's been even longer since he's seen his family and I do feel that it's important for him to see them too.  Whenever we're together (in the same city), I feel like I monopolize a lot of his time and I think it's nice that he sees his family.  In fact, I feel like we should have lunch or dinner with his family again or something.  It was fun the last time, so why not do it again?  They're amazing people even if they weren't his immediate family.

Regardless, I'm glad he gets to see his family again.  The week or two of his seeing his family must feel almost like the few days that we get to spend together between weeks to months of separation because of school.  Especially since they are further away.  I'm sure he appreciates what time he has with them every time he gets to see them.  It must be hard being so far from them.  They sound like amazing people and I'd love to actually meet them one day. 

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well.

Until next time,

Sick, but never a skipper

Hey all,

So, as I suppose you all know, Hurricane Sandy came through these parts not long ago.  It wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of people had it, but it was still very cold, windy, and rainy.  Although, I'm not sure if this is a result of that or a result of everybody I know being sick, I have a cold.  It is getting better though.  It's not as bad as it could have been, and it's not like I've been bedridden or anything.

It did leave me trying to hold back a coughing fit in my three hour class last night though.  Instead of one massive coughing fit, I ended up shaking or convulsing...not really sure which word best describes it right now...in class when I wasn't going through a bout of coughing.  Fun things!

Anyway, I guess this cold could have been much worse.  I mean, I could be dying of some terminal illness.  So I am quite fortunate that this is just a small cold that hasn't rendered me immobile or something.  I have been going to all of my classes despite it. 

Oh, well.  Hope I get over it soon.

Hope you're all well!

Until next time,